Sunday, April 5, 2009

The i! binary in the word-punctle matrix

I dreamt of space—infinite space, unfettered by words: this is the archetypal punctle; that which existed before the master-slave dialectic in whose grumpy grip the text now writhes—grumpy indeed. Let us look at the relationship of inverted reflexivity in the punctle and the letter (that odious elemental fragment of the word): “i” and “!”—indeed!—the concept “i” encompasses all that is essential in the word-essence: it is the “me” of the aforementioned me-we binary and it is central to the personal identity of the text. Opposite this monument to the ego is the exclamatory mark, incidentally a capsized “i”— the collective entity at odds with the personal entity: the collective text. In “i!” exists the totality of a text—a truly individualized work; one that encompasses the individual and the collective; the conscious and the unconscious.

It is for the infinite pleasure that moments of creative intuition afford me (when the obvious-obscure binary that haunts academic fervor bursts at the seams to unveil a golden nugget) that I embrace a total loss of touch with reality.


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